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Welcome to Danny Berry Baseball Leagues and Camps at Palmer Park

Welcome to Danny Berry Baseball Leagues and Camps at Palmer Park


            South Miami Youth Baseball Rules





5U T-Ball, 6U, 7U and 8U Coach Pitch, 9U Modified Rules, , 10U , 11U , 12U, 13U                                  

1.   May 1st, 2021 Age Cut-Off. The player’s age on April 30th, 2020 is his League competition age.




1.      Complete Rosters are due before first game-Maximum on Roster is 13

2.      All players must check off on the medical release/waiver form

3.      Coaches must have a copy of each players birth certificate.  

4.       Players must play in 50% of regular season games to be eligible for the playoffs.

5.      Players are NOT permitted to play for more than one team in the same age group.

6.      Managers and Assistant Coaches must Register, sign off on the Coaches agreement and get background checked



Playing Field


5U T-Ball-55 feet                                                                                            

6U, 7U, 8U Coach Pitch -60 feet                                                                                                                                              

9U & 10U-65 feet                                                                                                                                                                            

11U & 12U-70 feet                                                                                                                                                                              

 13U-80- feet                                                                                                                                                                                                  



Pitching Distance

5U-36 feet

6U,7U,8U-36 feet

9U,10U-46 feet

11U,12U-50 feet

13U-54 feet

Tee Ball Ages 5-6 


1.             Games are five innings or 1 hour 15 min. 

2.             Six Batters or three outs, which ever comes first

3.             All batters hit off the tee

4.             No strike outs

5.             Offensive Coach is the catcher

6.             Players will use a softer ball

7.             Runners will stop at base on a overthrow

8.             Runners may keep running if hit ball is out in the out field.  When ball gets to the infield runners will stop

9.             Please remember we are here for the kids, we do keep score but do not let the “ win  syndrome”  get the best of us


  1. Game is 6 innings
  2. Team may score a maximum of 5 runs per inning
  3. Last inning is open inning. Must get three outs or 12 run maximum.
  4. Run Rule is 15 runs after 4 or 10 runs after 5 complete innings
  5. Time Limit is 1 hour and 30 min.
  6. Players on the field are 11 (6 infielders and 5 outfielders)
  7. You can start a game with 8 players
  8. All players on the bench will bat up to 12 per inning
  9. Cones will be set out at 125 ft.  Ground ball thru the cones automatic double.  Ball hit in the air past cones is a home run. 
  10. If a player shows up late he must go at end of lineup
  11. Free substitution but have to keep same batting order.
  12. No bunting.
  13. No head first slides at any base.
  14. Infield players must hold up the ball in fair territory in order for time to be out.
  15. Batter shall receive 5 pitches, then go to the tee . If player misses three times batter is out.
  16. Once a team bats around the batting order or 3 outs or 5 runs the inning is over.
  17. Players must slide at home plate if there is a play.  If player doesn’t slide, player is out.
  18. Games are scored a tie if the score is tied at the end of the prescribed number of innings or time limit.  One additional inning may be played at umpire's discretion.  Each team will receive a half game won and a half game loss. 
  19. Games are official after 3 complete innings.

7U and 8U Coach Pitch

  1. Game is 6 innings
  2. Team may score a maximum of 5 runs per inning
  3. Last inning is open inning. Must get three outs
  4. Run Rule is 15 runs after 4 or 10 runs after 5 complete innings
  5. Time Limit is 1 hour and 30 min.
  6. Players on the field are 10 (6 infielders and 4 outfielders)
  7. You can start a game with 8 players
  8. All players on the bench will bat
  9. If a player shows up late he must go at end of lineup
  10. Free substitution but have to keep same batting order.
  11. No bunting.
  12. No head first slides at any base.
  13. Infield players must hold up the ball in fair territory in order for time to be out.
  14. Batter shall receive 5 pitches or 3 strikes . If the fifth pitch is fouled off the batter is still up.
  15. Once a team bats around the batting order or 3 outs or 5 runs the inning is over.
  16. Players must slide at home plate if there is a play.  If player doesn’t slide, player is out.
  17. Games are scored a tie if the score is tied at the end of the prescribed number of innings or time limit.  One additional inning may be played at umpire's discretion.  Each team will receive a half game won and a half game loss. 
  18. Games are official after 3 complete innings.
  19. If team has 10 players, must field a catcher. If not then coach will be catcher


9U  First Year Kids Pitch

  1. Game is 6 innings in length.
  2. Infield Fly Rule will be in effect
  3. Each pitcher will receive one warning for a balk 
  4. No dropped third Strike
  5. Run rule is 12 after 3 innings or 10 after 4 complete innings
  6. Time limit is 1 hour and 45 min.
  7. New Inning can only start if 15 minutes are left on time clock. 
  8. Games are official after 3 complete innings.
  9. 9 players on the field
  10. A team can start a game with 8 players
  11. All players on the bench  bat.
  12. A pinch runner may be used for the catcher when there are two outs. Must use last out of the inning.
  13. Metal cleats are not permitted
  14. No head first slides at home.
  16. No Slashing
  17. Catcher must wear a fully protected helmet.
  18. Games are scored a tie if the score is tied at the end of the prescribed number of innings or time limit. One additional inning may be played at umpire's discretion. Each team will receive a half game won and a half game loss.
  19. If a catcher attempts to put a tag on player the player must slide 
  20. Once a pitcher is removed from pitching, he may not come back to pitch.

10U,11U and 12U

  1. Game is 6 innings in length.
  2. Players can take leads and steal 2nd and 3rd
  3. Balks will be called
  4. Dropped third Strike
  5. Run rule is 15 after 3 innings or 10 after 4 complete innings
  6. Time limit is 1 hour and 45 min.
  7. New Inning can only start if 15 minutes are left on time clock. 
  8. Games are official after 3 complete innings.
  9. 9 players on the field
  10. A team can start a game with 8 players
  11. All players on the bench can bat.
  12. A pinch runner may be used for the catcher when there are two outs. Must use last out of the inning.
  13. Metal cleats are not permitted
  14. No head first slides at home.
  16. No Slashing
  17. Catcher must wear a fully protected helmet.
  18. Games are scored a tie if the score is tied at the end of the prescribed number of innings or time limit. One additional inning may be played at umpire's discretion. Each team will receive a half game won and a half game loss.
  19. Players must slide to avoid contact if player does not slide, player is out.
  20. Once a pitcher is removed from pitching, he may not come back to pitch.

Pitching Rules

1.  9U & 10U four (4) innings in a game

2.  11U & 12U five (5) innings in a game

3. 13U (5 ) innings in a game

4.  One (1) pitch in one inning constitutes a full inning.

5.  Pitcher that throws too many innings will not be able to pitch for one game

6.  Once a pitcher is taken off the mound he can not return to pitch

7.   10U Pitcher will receive one warning when balking

Note: A second visit to the same pitcher in the same inning will cause the pitcher to be removed from the mound (but he may stay in the game).

  General  Rules



If a game is suspended for any reason before becoming an Official game, it shall be continued from the point the game was suspended. 

2.If a player arrives late and a team is hitting all players, the player may be placed at the bottom of the line-up. Otherwise the player will be treated as a regular substitute.

3.A courtesy runner for the catcher and pitcher of record in the last completed defensive inning may be used at any time.  substitute.  his team’s last out shall run.

4.The catcher MUST wear mask with helmet and throat guard at all times, including when warming up the pitcher and in the bullpen.

5.All players MUST wear protective cup at all times.

6.All teams must be in complete uniform. This includes socks, shirts, pants and caps.

7.No Metal Cleats 

8.Only one coach is allowed out of the dugout on defense for the purpose of giving defensive signs to the catcher/pitcher. He MUST remain within the Coaches Box that is established by the dugout gate (not allowed to roam in front of the dugout). No Coach is allowed out of the dugout on Offense (except the coach at 3rdand 1st base).

9.Clarification on plays at the plate: If the catcher goes up the line (away from the plate) to field a throw, and in the umpires judgment the runner is too far from home to slide the MUST slide rule is NOT in effect. This however does NOT allow the runner to barrel into the catcher. This is an Umpire’s Judgment Call. The Catcher MAY NOT block the plate without possession of the ball. He MUST allow the runner full unobstructed access to the plate while he is in the process of fielding the ball. The runner must slide if a play is being made on him at home plate. If a runner goes in standing up and a play is being made on him, and he makes contact (regardless who initiates the contact) with the defensive player, he will be declared out and the ball is dead at the time of the infraction.

10. Intentional Base-On-Ball. Batter may be intentionally walked  but must be pitched to.


Pre and Post Game Rules


1.Teams shall not be permitted to take live batting practice or infield/outfield practice on the playing fields. Hit downs into fences are prohibited. Team may use their Hit-Down screen. Teams may take batting practice only with plastic or soft/rag balls.

2.Home Team dugout is the 1st base dugout.

3.The umpires will hold a pre-game conference at home plate prior to the start of the game. Umpires will check all coaching ID’s at this time.                



1.Each division will have a play-off. The format will be announced once the regular season schedules are posted.

2.The highest seeded team will be home team through-out the Play-Offs.

3.Trophies/rings/awards will be presented to each player of the 1st and 2nd place teams of each division (Limit of 12 players per team).



1.      The Official League Web-Site is   

2.      All league schedules, results, documents, rules, and information will be posted on this web-site

Time Limits

All games (Except the Championship Game) will have a time limit.


5U T-BALL-1 hour

6U, 7U & 8U COACH PITCH-1hour and 30 min.

9U , 10U, 11U & 12U,13U-1 hour and 45 min.  No new inning can start unless their is 15 min on time clock 

Clock starts when first pitch of game is thrown. 





1.Protest may be made on rules infractions only, not on judgment calls by the umpires.

2.A Protest requires a $100 Protest Fee (Cash Only). If the protest is upheld the fee will be refunded immediately. If the protest is denied the fee is forfeited. Challenging the age of a player is considered a Protest, and requires the $100 Protest Fee.

3.All protest must be made to the umpire-in-chief prior to the next pitch, play or attempted play. 

4.Protest on the eligibility/age of a player must be made before the game starts.





1.   Forfeit time is fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled start time of the game, and the  game time limit commences from the original scheduled start time of the game.

If a team has 8 or more Players at Game Time they MUST start the game. 

2.A    team must have Eight (8) players to start, and may finish a game with eight (8) players. The batting position of the player not playing is an automatic out or the 9th spot in the line-up when starting the game with 8 players.

3.The use of an illegal Player (Player not on Roster or too old) will result in a forfeit.



Additional Rules


1.      All (Covid-19)  Guidelines and Protocols Must be adhered to by all players, parents/guardians/spectators, managers, coaches, umpires, staff, volunteers.

2.      ONLY the Manager, coaches, and players (approved by the league in full uniform are allowed in the dugouts or on the field. Coaches MUST wear the team jersey and caps, or identical team coach’s shirts/jackets. Coaches MUST wear either traditional baseball pants, coach’s pants or coaches shorts. Blue Jeans are not allowed. Maximum of three (3) coaches, including the manager. Except in the 5U T-Ball, 6U, 7U & 8U Coach Pitch Division where a fourth (4th) coach is allowed.

3.      ONLY the Manager may discuss any play or rule with the umpires. If a coaches argues with an umpire he/she will be automatically ejected from the game.

4.      Air horns, bells, musical instruments, whistles, radios, banging on the bleachers, or any other artificial noise makers are prohibited.

5.      Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the baseball complex.

6.      Alcohol or illegal substances are not allowed anywhere in the park (including the parking lots).

7.      Please make sure that you clean out your dugout at the end of each game.

8.      The player, manager or coach that is ejected from a game shall be penalized  with a minimum one (1) game suspension.

9.      Any adult who gets in a physical altercation on or off the field, before, during or after a game, will be suspended indefinitely (a minimum of one year) from the league. If the league deems the incident involved more than one individual, severe penalties shall be invoked up to and including the removal of the team from the league without refund or recourse.

10.    Any fan who becomes unruly or uses offensive/abusive language towards players, umpires, coaches, league officials or other fans will be asked to leave the premises (including the parking lots), and may be suspended as determined by Competition Committee. Manager / Coaches will be held responsible for their players and fans, and are required to assist in the enforcement of this and all rules.

11.    Coolers are not allowed in the baseball complex – Only one (1) team cooler in the dugout is permitted.























South Miami Youth Baseball
11155 S.W. 112 Ave. 
Miami, Florida 33186

Phone: 305-281-0961
Email: [email protected]

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